Sunday, November 24, 2013

Calling All Golf Enthusiasts

Welcome to my blog. My first post, will be an introductory post. You know, the type of post that let's you know if this blog will be worth your time to follow. I will lay out in excruciating detail my plans for this blog. Ok, so maybe not excruciating detail because I would like to accumulate somewhat of a following. However, I do want to give you a brief overview of myself and and what you can expect from this blog.

I was born into golf. There are pictures of me on a golf course when I first started walking. I am 30 now, but never have really known much outside the golf realm when it comes to work. Even as a kid, I wanted to have a career in golf to some sort of capacity. Did I dream of being on Tour, you bet! However, as I entered high school and began to understand the small number of those who make it on tour, I gave myself a reality check. What would be a good way to be in the golf industry if I am not on Tour? On my 16th birthday I started my first job at the local country club cleaning golf carts and taking care of members in anyway that I could. My boss was the PGA Head Professional of the facility. As I spent 3 summers working for him and doing my tasks, I quickly came to the realization that I wanted to be a PGA Professional.

I went to college and worked at the university golf course while obtaining an education degree. Straight out of college, I landed my first job as an Assistant Professional. I quickly began my work becoming a PGA member (for those wondering what it entails to become a PGA member, that will be a future post all on its own). I finally obtained PGA membership a couple years ago and I can now say I am a PGA Assistant Professional. My quest for that lucrative PGA Head Professional position will be coming in the future.

Enough about me, I am sure you get the picture that I have a lot of passion, knowledge and experience for the game, so let's get to the juicy part. What is this blog going to be about?


All things golf....from a PGA Pro's perspective.

You will learn what takes place on the inside of a golf facility, that you as a member or guest do not see. You will get plenty of tips and drills to help you with your own golf game. You will learn about new product, apparel and training aids along with my own reviews and/or opinions of each. You will learn about great places to play and travel to. Every magazine offers their top courses to play year in and year out and many times the lists do not change much. I am going to focus more on places to play that are not the most popular names. You will get a comic relief in learning about the "problems" and situations that a PGA Pro or golfer may face along with some tried and true real life examples. I know we all love the Rules of Golf, so you will get examples and stories that are both funny and full of wisdom to help you understand them a little better. You will read feel good golf stories and great links to all things related to golf can will also be posted.

While I say this blog is for golf enthusiasts, it is also for those possibly interested in taking up the game. If you have some interest in learning what the game is about, this blog will be a great starting point. It will show some of the bright shining light on a golf world that ha all of us enthusiasts hooked!

This blog is my way of being able to share a passion that I have had with me all of my life and I hope it becomes a passion of yours as well! Welcome, let's enjoy the journey.

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